Sunday, March 2, 2014

Live Your Talent and Live it Loud

I'm just back from my latest trip.  Hold on, let me rephrase - I've just returned from an experience.  I took this trip a couple of years ago with my daughter and both of us emerged changed.  I went by myself this time (she couldn't make it because she has a new, fantastic job - Halleluja!) and as those who know me, I travel by myself often but I was a bit trepidatious this time.  A fellow Rock Boater (I'll explain that in a moment) convinced me to take the jump and I'm so glad he did.  I came back enlightened, full of hope and flush with new friends.  I did a couple of things I normally wouldn't (don't ask 'cause I ain't gonna tell) that brought me out of the careful box I had wrapped myself in some time back.  I repeat:  I'm so glad I did.

So allow me to explain The Rock Boat (here is some pro-bono promotion guys, hope you don't mind):  It is a cruise that goes 4 days from somewhere to somewhere, but that's not the point.  It is a magical, floating music reverly.  There are 30ish musicians that play day and night - some you'll know, some you won't.  You can't possibly see them all, but you sure do try your damndest, and those you can't see, you'll meet or hear about, find their music, fall in love with it and make plans to go see them another time.  You make friends and many of them will stay in your life for years and hopefully forever.  Listen to me ladies and gents, Hunks and Sisters - go on line and look it up.  Check out the lineup from the last cruise and listen to the artists' music and just like meeting new friends that you never would have, you'll open yourself up to talent you never would have.

But this is not about The Rock Boat, it is about the message that was impressed upon my soul:  Live Your Talent.  The talks I had, the stories I heard, plunked me into a fantastic place of awe.  And it comes down to people with unimaginable talent doing what it takes to realize their dreams and allowing us to become the audience of these dreams - to make us laugh, cry, shake our asses, remember, imagine, share, be inspired, believe, love.  Most people don't have musical talent - I happen to have some but I never followed through with it and there are days I regret it.  But we have other talents and I don't give a hoot if it's song, painting, speaking, listening, writing or making cupcakes for your child's class (fill in the blank) - whether it's in your work or your play - Live Your Talent, live it loud and let it sparkle.  Because I'll guarantee you a fistful of dollars - hell, I'll guarantee you TWO fistfuls - there is at least one person out there that needs what you have to make them smile, give them hope, inspire them, to fill a spot that's missing in their heart.  And you will light something in them, however minute, that they needed, that they desired, that they've dreamed of but didn't know how to wake up and live it.

This is a Doing What I Thought I Knew - this has inspired me to live my talent.  I've ignored it and is begging to come out and play.