Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Hair of the Dog

I haven't written a post in a while.  Honestly, I didn't have much that was interesting or exciting to write about and then, well, there's that thing we call work. On a positive note, I had embarked upon a new relationship with a wonderful hunk which is going swimmingly.  So let's just say, I've been preoccupied.  And I'm happy to report that my family and friends are (reasonably) happy and healthy and I have some upcoming fabulous trips on the calendar, so life is good.

Except for the fact that I'm in the beginning throes of perimenopause at, what I understand, is an early age.  Which is all a bunch of horseshit, but the good news is, I'm learning how to curb at least some of the effects.  Natural remedies for hormonal roller coaster rides (and yes, these cause both hair flying in all directions and crazy looks on your face), sleep deprivation during the night and wanting to sleep during the day and the latest...  hair falling out of places you really would like for it to remain and sprouting in places you do not.  And this, ladies and gentlemen, is where I put my size 10 foot down and said "NO MORE!".  Now while I am pro the occasional Botox prick and face and body goo that plumps, smooths and rejuvenates, I do realize that we cannot stop aging.  We can take all of the healthy measures to fix and preserve for as long as womanly possible, but age just happens.  Damn it.  But when I found a near bald spot on my head and had to keep an industrial supply of Liquid Plumber in stock (and the gorgeous boys in the commercials were not coming to fix anything for me and I had to do it myself, which was no fun), I simply had to find a cure.  So, I've done my research and seen a doctor or 4, and am now on a regimen of enough pills, sprays and lotions to treat an elephant, but I feel much better and normalcy is falling back into place.  Whatever that may mean.

So this is a Not Knowing What the Hell I Was Doing.  I hope I do now, for the sake of my sanity and vanity.  And let me tell you, I've got a combo remedy that's better than the Hair of the Dog, and instead of him coming to bite my ass, I can turn around and bite his.