Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Bitches

To those of you who read this, I apologize for being gone.  I've actually had some inquiries and it seems there are those crazy Bitches out there who are enjoying this compilation - a couple of Dudes too.  Who'da thunk it?  Before anyone gets pissed, I use the terms "Bitches" and "Dudes" with lots of love and respect. 

Basically, I was abducted by Bitches.  That's right - the last month I was captured by lovely, crazy women from all over the country - and it was fantastic.  Those of you that need to get your minds out of the gutter, please do.  I have not flown to the Vagina Side of the Moon.  I still want a Hunk in my life.  Simply put, I have spent some incredible time with Bitches from all over the US, all walks of life and owning all kinds of stories.  And it has made me realize and qualify some important things:

1.  Bitches rock.
2.  We know how to have a lot more fun than Dudes without taking our pants off unless we are skinny-dipping.
3.  We can drink Those with Penises around the block and STILL wake up in the morning and take care of whatever business we have.  And then go run around the block again.
4.  Our brains and livers are like sponges - they retain everything until squeezed (aka detoxed), become empty and then need to be filled up again.  Otherwise, Bitches just get bored.
5.  Bitches may fall down and skin our knees, maybe even crack a skull or two, but by God, we stand back up, slap some Neosporin and a Band-Aid on and we're good to go.
6.  I love the Bitches in my life more than words describe.

So, sorry for my absence, but I was busy.   My Bitches beckoned.

This is a Doing What I Know.

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