Thursday, June 6, 2013

Whack-a-Mole vs. The Groundhog

Having cocktails with one of my BFFs the other day, we came upon what I think is a hilarious interpretation of dating.  We are comparing ourselves to rodents, which doesn't bode well from a complimentary standpoint, but it's a knee-slapper, nonetheless.  Here it goes....

My friend is like the Whack-a-Mole.  If you don't know what that is, just think back to the carnival days and that game you played by which you were given a mallet and would try to whack the mole on the head each time it poked out of a hole.  Then, it would sink back down and re-emerge from another hole - and you would try and whack it again.  This is my friend in the dating world - she sticks her head out of the ground, finds some hunk (or male mole) that she is attracted to and vice versa , they go out on a date (or 4) OR have a flirtatious encounter(s), it doesn't work out for one reason or another (i.e. she gets whacked on the head), and then she goes back under.  Then, as nature would have it, she sticks her head back out only to be lightly boinked by the mallet, and, well, you get where I'm going with this.  But God love her, she keeps poking that cute head up with those brown eyes and doesn't lose the faith.

I, on the other hand, am like the Groundhog.  Every once in a while, I emerge from the down under to check out the scenery, smells and general vibe of the universe.  I take a look around, sniff, open my senses to the hunk that may be sniffing around me, and if I don't like it and my Groundhog hairs are standing up all over my body, I get the hell out of dodge and back to my safe haven and don't come up for a while.  Thankfully, the world is not relying upon me to end the winter season - I'd probably have a lot of enemies.

I suppose you could liken my quest to find the hunk of my dreams to waiting for the glorious Spring season and making sure everything is going to bloom and there's not a bunch of dog shit around my Groundhog hole that I may step in when I come out.  I'm not sure what you'd liken the Whack-a-Mole to - perhaps playing the game until you win whilst not getting too many bumps on  your head.  Either way, this dating adventure is just that, an adventure.  No matter what hole you're coming up from or going back into.

This is a Doing What I Know.

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