Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Lizard's Thicket

I really have no idea why this place got it's name nor do I understand what it means.  I know what a "lizard" is and that a "thicket" is a dense group of trees and/or bushes - apparently, the creators of Lizard's Thicket are comparing their patrons to a "lizard" and their establishment to a "thicket" and people gather there to eat.  For those not familiar with the Columbia, SC area, this is a southern cooking restaurant chain.  But my story is not about that.

Unfortunately, I was the recipient of whatever crap is going around the country right now and I have felt like the aforementioned for a week.  When I am sick, I crave bad food - so I placed a to-go order at Lizard's Thicket for some fried chicken and mac n' cheese.  I felt horrible and looked worse, so my plan was to walk in, pay and leave.  But because God likes to play tricks sometimes, they couldn't find my order and I had to sit and wait.  I'll give you an image, sensory and visual - didn't bathe that day, hair in tufts sticking out haphazardly from my ponytail, red nose and eyes AND (I do not jest here) snot on the front of my sweatshirt.  I was horrendous.

So even though I wanted to poke the cashier's eyeballs out, I smiled, re-ordered and sat down to wait.  Must have been the effects of the cold meds.  Another patron waiting for his food started a conversation - obviously he felt sorry for me as everyone else was keeping their distance.  He got his food before me, and I'll be damned if this gentleman didn't ask me "if I had a man in my life" and "if not, I would like to take you out for a real dinner."  He went on to say that not only was I "beautiful" (okay, now we're pushing it, buddy) but that "obviously I was not feeling well and you handled the situation with your order not being ready with grace and kindness."  (That one, I'll take.) 

Most likely, I will not use the phone number provided to me - not because he wasn't a handsome man, but let's face it, we can pretty much determine a level of attraction within the first few minutes of meeting someone.  I know that's not always the case, but I did not feel the "zing" - again, may have been the cold meds.  In addition to the fact that this man has got to have some kind of crazy in him to try and pick me up at a Lizard's Thicket when I looked like a homeless person, straight from the streets.  However, I think this guy deserves some kudos and I wish more men were willing to take a chance and approach us - it takes gumption and it does make us women feel good.  Unless it turns to stalking, and then not so much.

So this is a Doing What I Know - our beauty resonates from within and overtakes the ugly that may be happening on the outside on that particular day.  If nothing else, I will call this man and tell him I appreciate him for recognizing that.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I look like that most of the time, except without the snot. ;) Nice guy.
