Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Open Road

Though one of my absolute favorite things to do in life is travel, this is not a writing about hitting The Open Road - not like Bob Segar would do it, anyway.  When I am able, that's how I'm going to hit it - Bob's piano playing while my hair is flying in the wind, glass of wine in one hand and the other wrapped around some hunk's waist (obviously, I'm not driving the motorcycle).  Not knowing where I'm going, only knowing where I've been...

ANYWAY, these are thoughts of where I stand in life today.  It's frightening, enlightening, exasperating, exciting and sometimes, let's face it, disorienting.  The Open Road is long and wide and traverses many landscapes - some of the terrain rough and tumultuous, some of it rolling and lush, and then there's the in-between.  I've experienced it all and I strive to make the hikes that remain in my lifetime #2 of the 3.  By this point in my life, I've gotten in my own way, stepped aside and am now allowing myself to move forward in fluid motion.  I'm not foolish, I know there will be bumps in the road, but I'm ecstatic to report that at least when I see those bumps, I can say "Um, hey there Lady, remember when you decided to run over that same bump with full force a couple of (days, weeks, months, years, insert whatever applies) ago?  Let's choose to roll our wheels around that sucker, okay?"

The openness of what lies before me is liberating and sometimes overwhelming.  I am so thankful to have the family and friends that I do - they hold my ropes as I belay down and over this terrain.  I believe we all do that for one another.  And although I haven't quite discovered the perfect route to my destination, I am looking at the street sign for The Open Road at this very moment, and I know this is the point at which I'm going to start.  I hear the piano playing...

So, I must dub this entry as all three Doings, me thinks.  And we'll just have to see what kinds of Doings the Open Road generates.

1 comment:

  1. You are a lovely romantic, perfect just the way you are. The Becker women are resilent and perservering, and perfection may just be in the here and now...in the ordinary. Here's to the road that lies ahead. Love ya'.
