Monday, January 14, 2013


I have a new gynecologist and I'm going to say it - I just love him!  He spent years delivering babies and now just concentrates on us Ladies who need help with their estrogen.  Dr. Hutch is an Estrogen Expert, so I have dubbed him E-Squared.  Not only does he make me feel like I'm not crazy for sometimes wanting to bite nails in half, he also has an aesthetics practice!  So, Monday through Wednesday, I can see Dr. Hutch for any meds I may need - he has introduced me to Estrogen cream, which not only makes those of us in pre-menopause feel awesome, but is great for wrinkles and those brown spots.  Who knew?  Thursdays, I can see him for a Botox lift.  Fridays, I hope the man takes the day off.  He deserves it.  Anyway, he is my hero - a man who brought little lives into the world and makes we women feel sane and beautiful.  If he were 20 years younger and I could confirm that he is single, I'd ask him on a date.

So my first visit to Dr. Hutch was for the beautification and we got to talking about pre-menopause, estrogen, birth control and the like.  While discussing the BC issue, we touched upon the sexual activity issue - to which I honestly replied that since I am not currently dating any hunks (or anyone for that matter) and it's not a real concern, but may want to make some changes with what I put in my body.  Meaning birth control drugs, but I suppose that applies to any future hunks too.  I'll just leave it at that for the risk of getting WAY too personal.  Then we discussed my age and the likelihood of a pregnancy (which I have no desire to have one of, by the way) and Dr. Hutch said something to the effect of "Well, you're not having sex, so why even worry about taking any birth control?"  Thankfully, I was in a great mood that day, so E-Squared was spared my poking his eyeballs out.  I replied to him that "I am 44 years old, not 84 and I certainly plan on having sex again - hopefully sooner rather than later - and ongoing for years to come!"  Pun intended.  We had a good laugh and his nurse had to leave the room and run to the restroom to avoid peeing her pants.

Getting into my 40s has been interesting, to say the least.  I was a young mother when I gave birth and now I'm still a young mom to a 22-year old.  My life is pretty awesome (minus the no hunk in my life situation, but that will change) with its normal stresses, but let me tell you, I feel blessed every day.  And when I forget to feel blessed, I kick myself in the ass to get it back on track.   Life isn't perfect, my body's not perfect and my brain leaves a bit to be desired some days, however, I've got a lot of living left to do and I can't wait to rock it!  Don't put me out to pasture just yet, E-Squared.  And keep that estrogen cream coming...

This is Doing What I Know.


  1. I'm doing the same...getting those brown spots taken care of! I'm planning on getting a peel soon. I haven't tried the estrogen cream yet, but a mild dose of Celexa is working well for hormonally induced madness. Welcome to blogging...I am enjoying your posts. :)

  2. Hey Alex! It's fun writing them!
