Friday, January 4, 2013

The Three Doings Birth in a Dream

I honestly woke from a dream last night with the words "Doing What I Know" flashing in my head and had every intention of writing it down and of course, fell back asleep.  Then, I had a very vivid dream of waking back up and reaching over to my bedside table to get out pen and paper to write this down, but there was only empty candy wrappers, rubber balls and a wrench of some kind in the drawer, so at this point in the dream, I knew it was just a dream.  I should probably look at my Dream Interpretation book on the contents in the drawer, but not sure I want to know the meaning.  The words kept coming to me in sleep, so I knew they were important.  Do you know those dreams you literally have to WILL yourself to wake from a vision - you can see yourself waking up, but it takes a few times to actually open your eyes?  This is what happened to me and this was the birth of this writing.

I am not an author, but have always enjoyed writing.  Matter of fact, in gradeschool, I won the county Young Author's contest (The Canine Caper - clever, huh?) and had wanted to write a book someday.  My Mom actually still has the framed certificate on the wall.  At this point, I have no idea of how to go about writing a book, but I do know how to create a blog.  So here we are.

This series will be stories, thoughts, experiences about no particular subject matter.  The initial "Doing What I Know" is stemming from where I stand in life personally - as many can relate, it is difficult to describe, but is surrounded by the fact that I've recognized the importance of getting to know who I am at the core and living my life based upon that core.  We will always experience the ebb, flow and changes in life, however I believe most of us question and waver the core that makes us who we are - the good, the bad and the ugly - because an outer-lying being deems us to do so.  Personally, I have done this so much over the years, I KNOW it caused me to get in the way of myself. 

So, I'm going to write for personal therapy and hopefully other's enjoyment (if anyone ever reads this).  At the end of each entry, I'll name it either a 1)"Doing What I Know" 2)"Doing What I Thought I Knew" 3) "Not Knowing What the Hell I was Doing" - i.e. 1)our core, 2) outside of our core, 3) stupidity/ignorance/I couldn't help myself bliss.

This is going to be a helluva experience involving gaffaws, tears and hopefully provoking some thought.  We'll see what happens down the line!

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